09/05/10 : 1 comments

Search results showing lots of product data

When shopping online, I’ve been thinking that it would be nice to have important product data presented to me right on the search results page. That way I don’t have to pogo stick back and forth between product pages and the results to find what I want. I have seen the occasional site that does this, but the layout of the results never seems ideal for quick scanning. Here’s what the typical results layout looks like:

Typical search results. Difficult to scan.

I’ve come up with a solution that I feel accomplishes this. It allows for displaying important data, but shows it in a column format that’s much easier to scan. Of course, too much information would make this pattern useless. And using large product images would also force the columns too far apart to make scanning simple.

My proposed results. Easier to scan.

I’m not saying this is the ideal solution; maybe there isn’t one. But I do think it’s better than the standard. If you have an opinion, I’d love to hear it.

(FYI I made mine narrow to accommodate a left side bar with filtering tools. And I didn’t list all of the other product data ‘cuz I’m lazy.)

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